Sunday, December 28, 2008

Community Advisory Committee 2009 Calendar

The Community Advisory Committee is comprised of volunteer parents, educators, and other interested community members who want to make a difference in the eduaction of all children. The CAC believes that every child has a right to fulfill their potential with dignity, hope, and opportunity. You can get involved by attending CAC meetings. All meetings are open to the public and child care is available if you call ahead (661-294-5398).

Meetings are located at Bridgeport Elementary School.
All meetings start at 6:00pm and Parent Workshops start at 7:00pm.

Friday, February 2nd, 2009:
Beyond Chicken Nuggets: Better Nutrition and Picky Eaters

Monday, March 23rd, 2009:
Rick Lavoie Presents....(TBA)

Monday, May 18th, 2009:
Parent Workshop TBA

Thank you to Renee Bowen and Anna Rast for pointing us to the webpage with this calendar. :)

Friday, December 26, 2008

Family Movie Night

Are you looking for a family-friendly, relationship-building activity for the long winter break? How about renting a movie? What's more fun than sharing a movie in the comfort of your living room? Make a night of it. Ask each family member to share in the preparation. Here are a few suggestions that we got from one of our friends.

* Set the date and time in advance. All work (that means you, Mom and Dad) and chores must be done or stopped before showtime.

* Gather all necessary items: comfy seats, pillows, blankets, and snacks (popcorn, cut veggies, etc).

* Start with an old-fashioned cartoon or short film. (a la Dudley Do Right). Follow with a family-friendly film. (Click here to check out's Top 25 Family Films for ideas.) Give each child a turn to choose the movie for family movie night.

* Take an intermission for bathroom breaks and other necessities.

* The next morning at breakfast talk to your kids about the movie. "What was your favorite character?" "Would you like to visit a town like that one day?"
You can make your own family tradition or create a holiday memory to keep forever. :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Protecting Your Child's Hearing

"Turn it down!" How many times each week do we say that to our children? In our house, we find ourselves saying it often. It's so frustrating to hear music booming from our son's earbuds when we are a few feet away. He does not seem to grasp the long-term impact this can have on his hearing. "Yeah, yeah...I'll turn it down."

Just how harmful is it to crank up the volume on our earbuds? Is it more harmful than loud music from a speaker? Is a traditional headphone set more or less safe for our hearing? Those are questions to which we as parents need answers. Here's an article to give you the answers. Also, you'll get some tips for alternate, more healthy habits to reduce hearing damage.

It's a serious problem. Many healthcare professionals predict that we will only fully-appreciate the damage in the future years after our children and teens have had extended exposure to these high-decibel sounds. More and more we are seeing parents putting earbuds on their toddlers -- and yes, I have even seen earbuds on a baby!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Free Treats & Discounts on Your Birthday

Do you like to get treated on your birthday? Here's a website that has compiled a list of places that will treat you on your birthday! There are lots of family friendly places on the list. It's called, of course.

Let me be the first to say...happy birthday!

Homework Help for Teens with ADD

Parents have asked for resources to help with the challenges of teens and homework. We've also had parents ask about how to help ADHD or special needs teens stay on top of their work without taking away their independence.

After reading several sites, I found this article to be really comprehensive. It presents very practical suggestions. Check out this article from the Attention Deficit Disorder Association website, "Helping Your Adolescent wtih ADHD Get Homework Done."

Friday, December 19, 2008

Chore Time Tips!

If you are registered to receive the BoxTops for Education e-newsletter or visit the General Mills BoxTops website, you may have read this article on that site. It offers practical tips from parents on how to teach children to complete chores. Here's a link to the article:

Monday, December 15, 2008

Air Travel with Kids

Winter break is approaching. Here's a link to gather tips for air travel with kids. Let us know what you think of it.

Have you read Going on a Plane by Anne Civardi? It's written for kids, age 4-8. There is also the classic, A Day at the Airport by Richard Scarry. Check our local bookstores for several other air travel-related books and coloring/activity books for kids.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Give the Gift of Journaling to Your Child

We were just directed to this resourceful webpage...use this "journal jar" idea to create a holiday gift or for no occasion at all. :)

Gifts in a Jar: Child's Journal Jar
Posted by Cynthia Townley Ewer on August, 12, 2008

"Spark young writers with a clever non-food gift in a jar: a Child's Journal Jar. Simple, kid-friendly questions turn journaling sessions into fun! This printable gift in a jar makes a great gift for back to school.
We've made it easy to craft your Child's Journal Jar. Free
printable journal prompts have colorful legends and graphics to make a pretty gift. Add a free printable gift tag for a professional touch.
To assemble your Child's Journal Jar, print the colorful journal prompt pages linked below. Each page holds six colorful journal prompts.
Child's Journal Jar Prompts
New! Print our journaling prompts in .PDF format.
Cut apart each journal prompt, and fold it so that the colored graphics are folded to the outside, with the journal assignment on the inside.
Fill the jar with journal slips, and attach the free printable gift tag for a great gift for kids!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Help Stop Bullying

A parent wrote asking for anti-bullying information. She said parents are looking for practical things to do to resolve bullying issues. We searched a few online resources and the following site seems to be the very comprehensive. It is sponsored by the U.S. Health Resources an Services Administration. It's called, Stop Bullying Now!
Click on this link for resources, advice, and activities:

We're also going to talk with some local experts to gather more information for you. Down the road, we hope to provide information or possibly a presentation on the topic. However, this is a good start.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Make A Difference Day Results

This just in from the City of Santa Clarita regarding 2008 Make a Difference Day...Santa Clarita community members really did make a's the report:

"*Over 1,000 volunteers participated in Make A Difference Day this year.
*37 Service Projects were completed.
*Over 5,500 hours were contributed!
*6,000 items were collected for the Hunger Defense Fund."

Friday, December 5, 2008

Mark your Calendar!

Arts & Literary Festival
Saturday - Dec 6th

10am to 4pm
Hart Park, 24151 San Fernando Rd, Newhall, CA 91321

It's a great event for kids of all ages! Be sure to stop by the SCV PTA booth.

Click Below For Map/Directions:,+Newhall,+CA+91321+(Hart+Park)&geocode=CWDw9al0ee3vFUiADAIdBnbv-A&iwloc=1&dq=hart+park+santa+clarita&cid=1418866299381854538&ei=d8YwSfy5B5rGjQOlt-DYCQ

Thursday, December 4, 2008


A simple thought for the day...

"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."
James M. Barrie, Scottish dramatist & novelist (1860 - 1937)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cooking with Your Children

A parent recommended an online resource all about cooking with kids. The webpage below are part of the California Dept. of Public Health's website. There are multiple PDF documents that you can download. Some are quite basic...but many have valuable suggestions. Also on the page are a few kid-friendly recipes.

Try to involve your children in meal preparation occassionally. There are so many skills they will learn: reading, following instructions, measurement, fractions, physical science, safety, and nutrition. Along the way you might make a huge mess, but you'll have fun.

Check out this site and let us know what you think.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Need a Map for a Student Project?

Here's another time-saving tip from one of our PTA moms. Next time your child is preparing a report on a country and needs to draw a map, check out this site. You simply click on a country name and a blank outline of the country appears. What a nice alternative to shaky hand-drawings or tracing paper.

Keep those suggestions for educational online resources coming!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Parent's Guide to Social Networking

Check out this Federal Trade Commission website for more information on children and social networking. If your kids are online, the information in this article is valuble. It also contains a comprehensive listing of online resources to help you keep your kids safe online. Click below to read it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Spelling and Typing Help for Your Kids

Thanks for sharing your favorite parenting and education sites. Here's another one,

The site does have google ads, so if you are offended by ads on websites this is not a site for you. Access to the articles and games appears to be 100% free and I encountered no pop-ups or offensive ads during my visit.

Here are two highlights from the site...

Three Spelling Games

The Typing of the Ghosts

Thursday, November 27, 2008

As the song goes, "It's the most wonderful time of year!" We begin on Thanksgiving (well maybe Halloween), we eat our way through New Year's Day...sometimes stretching it through Super Bowl Sunday. How can we refuse these beautiful meals and treats prepared by our families and friends? We certainly don't want to insult the cook. :) The average American gains 5 lbs. during the holiday season. It's an important health issue for our children too.

Here are two really concise resources to help you avoid unnecessary weight gain. In fact these tips are useful year round.

A colorful kid-friendly document from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - Food and Nutritian Services. Print this for your kids.

Tips from WebMD:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy these holiday links:

How to make very cute Indian Corn napkin rings:

Need to occupy your kids while you cook? Try this Thanksgiving word scramble:

Start a Thanksgiving Tradition with Your Child:

Check back on Friday for some tips on working off those extra holiday pounds. :) For now, enjoy the holiday with your family!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Talking to Kids About Smoking

The Great American Smoke Out is November 20th

In recognition of the 2008 Great American Smoke Out, we found the following article, "Kids and Smoking," on We've pasted it here, but if you have time, check out more of the website.

"The health risks of tobacco are well known, yet the rates of smoking and the use of chewing tobacco continue to grow. Many people pick up these habits when they're young — in fact, 90% of all adult smokers started when they were kids. And each day, more than 4,400 kids become regular smokers.

So it's important to make sure kids understand the dangers that go along with tobacco use. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States. It can cause cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Chewing tobacco (smokeless or spit tobacco) can lead to nicotine addiction, oral cancer, gum disease, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks.

Giving kids information about the risks of smoking and chewing tobacco, and establishing clear rules and your reasons for them, can help protect them from these unhealthy habits.
You should also know the warning signs of tobacco use and constructive ways to help someone kick the habit.

The Facts About Tobacco
* One of the major problems with smoking and chewing tobacco has to do with the chemical nicotine. A person can get addicted to nicotine within days of a first encounter with it. In fact, the nicotine in tobacco can be as addictive as cocaine or heroine. Nicotine affects mood as well as the heart, lungs, stomach, and nervous system.
* And there are other health risks. Short-term effects of smoking include coughing and throat irritation. Over time, more serious conditions may develop, including increases in heart rate and blood pressure, bronchitis, and emphysema.
* Finally, numerous studies indicate that young smokers are more likely to experiment with marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or other illicit drugs.

Preventing Kids From Picking Up the Habit
Kids might be drawn to smoking and chewing tobacco for any number of reasons — to look cool, act older, lose weight, win cool merchandise, seem tough, or feel independent. But parents can combat those draws and keep kids from trying — and getting addicted to — tobacco.

Establish a good foundation of communication with your kids early on to make it easier to work through tricky issues like tobacco use.
Some guidelines to keep in mind:
* Discuss sensitive topics in a way that doesn't make kids fear punishment or judgment.
* Emphasize what kids do right rather than wrong. Self-confidence is a child's best protection against peer pressure.
* Encourage kids to get involved in activities that prohibit smoking, such as sports.
* Show that you value your kids' opinions and ideas.
* It's important to keep talking to kids about the dangers of tobacco use over the years. Even the youngest child can understand that smoking is bad for the body.
* Ask what kids find appealing — or unappealing — about smoking. Be a patient listener.
* Read, watch TV, and go to the movies with your kids. Compare media images with what happens in reality.
* Discuss ways to respond to peer pressure to smoke. Your child may feel confident simply saying "no." But also offer alternative responses such as "It will make my clothes and breath smell bad" or "I hate the way it makes me look."
* Encourage kids to walk away from friends who don't respect their reasons for not smoking.
* Explain how much smoking governs the daily life of kids who start doing it. How do they afford the cigarettes? How do they have money to pay for other things they want? How does it affect their friendships?
* Establish firm rules that exclude smoking and chewing tobacco from your house and explain why: Smokers smell bad, look bad, and feel bad, and it's bad for everyone's health.

If Your Child Smokes
If you smell smoke on your child's clothing, try not to overreact. Ask about it first — maybe your child has been hanging around with friends who smoke or just tried one cigarette. Many kids do try a cigarette at one time or another but don't go on to become regular smokers.
Additional signs of tobacco use include:
* coughing
* throat irritation
* hoarseness
* bad breath
* decreased athletic performance
* greater susceptibility to colds
* stained teeth and clothing (also signs of chewing tobacco use)
* shortness of breath

Sometimes even the best foundation isn't enough to stop kids from experimenting with tobacco. It may be tempting to get angry, but it's more productive to focus on communicating with your child.
Here are some tips that may help:
* Resist lecturing or turning your advice into a sermon.
* Uncover what appeals to your child about smoking and talk about it honestly.
* Many times, kids aren't able to appreciate how their current behaviors can affect their future health. So talk about the immediate downsides to smoking: less money to spend on other pursuits, shortness of breath, bad breath, yellow teeth, and smelly clothes.
* Stick to the smoking rules you've set up. And don't let a child smoke at home to keep the peace.
* If you hear, "I can quit any time I want," ask your child to show you by quitting cold turkey for a week.
* Try not to nag. Ultimately, quitting is your child's decision.
* Help your child develop a quitting plan and offer information and resources, and reinforce the decision to quit with praise.
* Stress the natural rewards that come with quitting: freedom from addiction, improved fitness, better athletic performance, and improved appearance.
* Encourage a meeting with your child's doctor, who can be supportive emotionally and may have treatment plans.

If You Smoke
Kids are quick to observe any contradiction between what their parents say and what they do. Despite what you might think, most kids say that the adult whom they most want to be like when they grow up is a parent.
If you're a smoker:
* First, admit to that you made a mistake by starting to smoke and that if you had it to do over again, you'd never start.
* Second, quit. It's not simple and it may take a few attempts and the extra help of a program or support group. But your kids will be encouraged as they see you overcome your addiction to tobacco."
"Reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MDDate reviewed: November 2007"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sock Probability Game - From

One of our PTA parents suggested this website, On this site, we found a fun game. Check out this article by Miriam Myers of

"Sock Probability"
How you can help at home: Have your child explore probability with socks.
By Miriam Myers, GreatSchools Staff

"In this math activity your child explores prediction and probability using different colored socks.
What You'll Need
* Paper
* Pen or pencil
* 10 socks in various colors

Here's How to Do It Talk with your child about probability, the chance or likelihood of a certain event occurring. Explain that probability can be expressed as a ratio of the number of specific events or outcomes to the total number of possible events or outcomes. Go over examples of probability with your child, such as the probability of a coin being tossed heads up (1/2 ). What is the probability of rolling an odd number on a die? (3/6) or (1/2).

Have your child grab 10 socks from his sock drawer, making sure they are different colors. Have your child go through each color and write down the probability of picking each sock. For example if there are three white socks the probability is 3/10 for white. Put the socks in a bag and have your child predict which color sock he will pull out. After he has chosen a sock, have him write down the color chosen and put the sock back in the bag. Have him continue this nine more times. When he is done have him compare the probability to the outcomes."

Monday, November 17, 2008

Get Emergency Related Text Alerts...

Would you like to receive text messages regarding local emergencies?

This info was provided by the City of Santa Clarita:

"All residents are be able to subscribe to automatically receive emergency related text alerts (eAlerts) from the City by simply texting the term "SCEMERGENCY" to 41411 from any mobile phone device and mobile service provider. For added convenience, in lieu of setting this up from your mobile phone residents can also subscribe to this service by visiting the City's website at From there you will be able to enter your mobile phone number in the "Text Message Alerts" subscription box located on the right side of the page to set up this important service. As with any type of texting system, residents are reminded that standard texting fees apply (typically 5 to 10 cents per text) and will be charged by your mobile phone provider. Please know that it is the City's sole intent to utilize the eAlert system only in times of emergency and will in no way use this system to forward any non-emergency/unsolicited messages.

For more information regarding the City's new eAlert system please contact the City's Webmaster at "

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tips for Parents of Middle School & Jr. High Students

Making the transition from elementary school to middle school or junior high school can be challenging for students and parents. Your child is excited to be more independent, yet they may be a little apprehensive. Parents are unsure how much and what type of support to give their child. Here's a great article that addresses those concerns, called "Success Tips from a Middle School Principal."
P.S. Here is a little book that is a big help for pre-teens and teens. Check it out: Super Study Skills by Laurie Rozakis

Friday, November 14, 2008

Best Online Parenting Resources

I'm turning the blog to you today. Please share your favorite online parenting resources. What sites or blogs do you visit when you seek advice on a parenting issue? Where do you turn when you want to enhance your parenting skills? I will gather your feedback and share these tips with our readers in a future posting. You may comment here. Or, if you wish to remain anonymous you may email me directly at

Looking forward to hearing from YOU!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Have you heard of 661arts?

Frequently I hear fellow SCV parents say, we are so fortunate to live in the Santa Clarita Valley area. Here is yet another reason...the access to the arts. Thanks to many loyal supporters of the arts, we will have even more reasons to be thankful as they continue to advocate for more opportunities to experience the arts right here in our valley.

Do you want to know what's happening in the Santa Clarita visual and performing arts scene? Just take a moment to visit There you will find a terrific resource, including a calendar of events.

What is 661Arts? Here it is in their words, "661Arts is an alliance of artists and arts organizations working together to create and to promote an awareness of culture in Santa Clarita. This site serves as a point of access for the community to discover visual and performing arts, and arts events in the Santa Clarita Valley."

Building Vocab & Feeding Hungry Children!

Often we hear reports on the news about how challenging our mind strenthens our mental agility. Many experts recommend crossword puzzles, knowledge quizzes, and math games. Well, have I got a website for you! You spend as much or little time as you want answering a multiple choice vocabulary questions. For each question you answer correctly, 20 grains of rice are donated to help end hunger. Check it out:
Try it you'll be hooked. As you are increasing your brainpower, you are fighting hunger! Another example of how we can take small steps to make a difference in our world.

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's a Give-Apalooza at the Hunger Defense Fund

Wendi at the Hunger Defense Fund invites our local families to check out the Give-Apalooza charity concert.

* December 13th - 7pm - La Mesa Junior High School - 26623 May Way Drive, Santa Clarita

* Aiding the Hunger Defense Fund and the community toy drive sponsored by the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station.

* Admission per person: A bag of groceries or unwrapped toys valued @ $15 or $15 donation at the door.

* Featuring: Godspeed, Teresa James & The Rhythm Tramps, and The Truth --- Please check out the myspace page below for more information on the performers and show.

For more info:
Jim Gustin (661) 221-0448 /
Jeri Goldenhar (661) 644-2028 /

From Your Council Fundraising Advisor

Brenda is always finding new resources for fundraising chairpersons. She wrote us today with some terrific new online resources. Check it out and let us know what you think.

"I found this great little web site for fundraising ideas. Very different." ~ Brenda
Here are the pages with the specific fundraising ideas. Many are do-it-yourself so your unit can maximize profits.

Cool Recycling Event

A parent from North Park PTA sent us this announcement:


November 15th 9am until 3pm

North Park Elementary School

23335 Sunset Hills Drive (off McBean between DeCoro and CopperHill)

Bring your old cell phones, batteries, TVs, computers, cameras, video game consoles, etc.
What a great idea!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

College Planning Workshops

Kris Floyd of College Planning Experts, Inc. asked me to share this information on the blog. Her company is offering these college planning workshops without charge.

November 20th
SC Activities Center
7:00-8:30 PM

November 22nd
Golden Valley High School Library
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

College Planning Experts would like to help you and your child
* find the “best match” college
* learn how to double or triple your eligibility for free grant money, and
* discover how to reduce your out of pocket costs for that college.

At this class you can learn which assets are taken into consideration by the U.S. Department of Education when calculating your Estimated Family Contribution. This class will be taught by Brian Safdari, a financial educator and nationally Certified College Planner. Brian is the host of a weekly radio show on KHTS 1220 AM, “Your College Planning Power Hour.” You can hear Brian on KHTS every Tuesday from 2:00PM to 3:00PM.
Contact Kris at 661-295-9946 ext. 203 for more information. Or visit her website:

Friday, October 31, 2008

Opportunities to Help This Fall

Here are some ways you can reach out and help our SCV neighbors this fall. If you lead a scout troop, church group, PTA, or other youth group...consider contacting these organizations to offer your help. These are just a sampling...there are many other opportunities in our valley.


November 2008 - Thanksgiving Turkeys for Needy Families Their goal is to provide a turkey for every family they serve.
November 10 through December 12, 2008 - Adopt a FamilyProvide holiday gifts for the children of a local needy family.
December 2008 – Holiday Hams for Needy FamiliesTheir goal is to provide a ham for every family we serve.
Ongoing – Food Distribution Center:Volunteer opportunities are available at our food distribution center.

To help with any of the above, call 661-299-9273 for details.


If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry, please call (661) 255-9078. They also have an
Adopt-a-Family program that kicks off each year after Thanksgiving. Each year, they team with the Rotary club to provide Thanksgiving turkeys to families around Santa Clarita.


If you would like to volunteer at Single Mothers Outreach, please call their office at (661) 288.0117. They are also sponsoring an adopt-a-family for the holidays program. Additionally, they often need staple items such as diapers. Please call for details.

Last Minute Halloween Food Ideas

Happy Halloween!

Looks like we will have a cool Halloween in Santa Clarita...perfect conditions for an extra-spooktacular evening! Arrgh...what's for dinner? We just got a tip for a fun and informative webpage:

Maybe you'll find a new idea for a dreadful Halloween feast...bra-ha-ha-ha

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Do you take scary pictures?

If you've got young trick-or-treaters at home, get your camera ready. It's time to snap shots of those spooky costumes. Are you ready to take your photography and presentation skills to the next level? Check out these fun pages on the Kodak website:

Do you have some great ideas to share with other SCV families? Feel free to write us.

Happy Halloween! Stay Safe!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Have You Heard of "No Child Left Inside?"

Green Nursery offers a free newsletter and it has a nice variety of articles related to gardening and plants. This month the newsletter referenced a book, "Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder." After a bit of surfing online, I decided maybe there is something to this theory. Didn't our parents always say, "Go get some fresh air. It's good for you!" Without zero experience in this field, I can hardly speak to the validity of this theory. However, it's an interesting topic and one worth exploring. Here's a blurb from the author's website:

"Last Child in the Woods
The recipient of the 2008 Audubon Medal,
Richard Louv identified a phenomenon we all knew existed but couldn't quite articulate: nature-deficit disorder. Since its initial publication, his book Last Child in the Woods has created a national conversation about the disconnection between children and nature, and his message has galvanized an international movement. Now, three years later, we have reached a tipping point, with the book inspiring Leave No Child Inside initiatives throughout the country.
Hailed as "an absolute must-read" by the Boston Globe and "too tantalizing to ignore" by Audubon magazine, Last Child in the Woods is the inspiring work that proves children need nature as much as nature needs children."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Halloween Tips from the Autism Society of America

Anna Rast is the Special Needs Chairperson for the SCV Council PTA. She and her team are a wealth of knowledge. If you have children with special needs, talk to your PTA's Special Needs Coordinator.

Here's what Anna has to report today about a great webpage on the Autism Society's site:
"It has "Halloween Tips" for going out trick or treating for kids with all sorts of issues. It is put together by the Autism Society of America, but these tips help ALL KIDS!

It can also be especially helpful for kids who may be going out trick-or-treating in a group that may contain an off-beat sort of kid. "

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Class Project from Disney...

A well-informed mom from Helmers Elementary (Carrie Olstad) shared this great tip with us. I copied this blurb from the website. Please visit the site for details. It sounds very interesting! Check it out and share the info with your child's teacher. The deadline is coming soon...

"Disney’s Environmentality Challenge (DEC) provides an opportunity for your class to "think green." DEC is a challenging and fun hands-on experience for the entire class and DEC will help your students learn more about their environment and show them why caring about the earth is cool!The purpose of the DEC program is to encourage students to think and act environmentally at school, at home, and in their communities. The program is available to you as a result of a unique partnership between The Walt Disney Company, CEEIN, US EPA, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service."

Besides being a great program, there are awards and prizes! (that usually gets everyone's attention)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Think Pink! It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month

SCV Community Events and Info for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

* The ZONTA Club of SCV in conjunction with Samuel Dixon Family Health Center is sponsoring Healthy Women’s Day on Saturday, October 25 at the Boys and Girls club in Canyon Country. The screenings will include a breast examination and a free mammogram is available if warranted. Women who need follow-up care will be directed to services that are affordable. Call 661-252-9351

* October 19, 12-1 p.m. - Wine Walk. Soroptimist International of Greater SCV walk, shop and drink wine at participating businesses along Town Center Drive. Call Sheryl Geraci 661-877-5544

* October 23, 6 – 8 p.m. - Breast Cancer Awareness Wine Tasting at Salt Creek Grille. Call Salt Creek Grille 661-222-9999

* During the month of October, Vino 100 Valencia will partner with Hope Wines to benefit the Sheila R. Veloz Breast Imaging Center. The Center will receive 10% of Vino 100 Valencia’s sales of Hope Wine’s award-winning California Chardonnay throughout the month. Call 661-294-6886

* Are you or someone you know challenged by breast cancer? Circle of Hope is a non-profit charity whose mission is to financially and emotionally assist uninsured and underinsured individuals with breast cancer who live in, work in, or receive treatment in the Santa Clarita Valley. For more info:

Friday, October 10, 2008

School Watch

Have you heard of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff Department's School Watch program? It's a program designed to help keep our local schools safe and free of vandalism. Click on this link to learn more and possibly get involved.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Managing Media in Your Home

Check out this new parent education opportunity from the City of Santa Clarita. This workshop is presented by one of our PTA Partners, Dave LaBat of Dynamic Interventions.

Technology: It can be your best friend or your worst enemy!
Technology touches every aspect of our children’s lives. Whether on the computer, watching television, or even sending a text message, your children are constantly receiving messages about how to act, how to look, and who to be. This workshop will explore the impact of media technology on our families, and give you tools to empower your child to use technology responsibly and informatively.

Date: Thursday, October 30, 2008

Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Location: City Hall
Century Room
23920 Valencia Boulevard
Santa Clarita, CA 91355

Instructor: David LaBat, MSEd, Dynamic Interventions

For more information or to register, call (661) 250-3708 or visit

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Get Ready to Make a Difference!

Would you like to make a big difference in our community? Do you have 4 to 8 hours to share on October 25th? That's all it takes. Make a Difference Day is a national initiative started in conjunction with the Points of Light Foundation. We can do good anyday, but this day is special because we come together as a community to do good.

Want to get involved? Check out the website and volunteer to work on one of the 40+ projects happening right here in Santa Clarita.

So, will YOU make a difference?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Museum Weekend!

Stacy Kupfer (SCV Council Board, Rio Norte PTSA, and North Park PTA member) just emailed us this great tip! We are fortunate to have so many wonderful museums in our proximity. Here's a chance to enjoy them at no cost.

Museums F*ree-for-All Day
Saturday, October 4, 2008 AND Sunday, October 5, 2008
10:00AM to 5:00PM
In a joint effort to welcome diverse communities across Southern California, the Museum Marketing Roundtable announces the fourth annual "Museums F*ree-For-All" during the weekend of Saturday, October 4, and Sunday, October 5, 2008. The 24 institutions listed below— exploring art, cultural heritage, natural history and science; will offer f*ree admission to all visitors on one or both dates.
Armory Center for the Arts BOTH
Autry National Center Sunday, October 5,
Bowers Museum Sunday, October 5,
California African American Museum BOTH
California Heritage Museum Saturday, October 4,
California Science Center BOTH
Craft and Folk Art Museum BOTH
Fowler Museum at UCLA BOTH
The Getty Center BOTH
The Getty Villa (advance ticket required) BOTH DATES
Hammer Museum at UCLA BOTH
Japanese National American Museum Sunday, October 5,
Los Angeles Fire Harbor Museum Saturday, October 4,
Los Angeles Fire Museum & Memorial BOTH
The Museum of Contemporary Art,Los Angeles (MOCA) BOTH
Museum of Latin American Art BOTH
Museum of Tolerance Sunday, October 5,
Natural History Museum BOTH DATES
Norton Simon Museum Sunday, October 5,
The Paley Center for Media BOTH
Petersen Automotive Museum BOTH DATES
Santa Monica Museum of Art Saturday, October 4, only
Skirball Cultural Center Sunday, October 5, only
Southwest Museum of the American Indian BOTH DATES

Green and Easy Tips

Every month we look for easy ways to "go green." So many times we think of "going green" as an arduous job involving significant sacrifice. We want to share some easy ways you can make a difference. Sometimes they are surprisingly easier than traditional ways of keeping house. We'll share just two today:

1.) Shop from local farmers

We are lucky to have access to local produce sellers as well as local grocers who value local growers. Why is this important? When you buy food grown locally it costs less to get that food to your table and it uses less fuel needed to transport the food. Find locally-grown foods by visiting:

2.) This one we found on the Johnson website. Check out the site for other ideas for environmentally-friendly home organization and cleaning.

"Swags are in the bag.
Ziploc® Brand Big Bags, that is. “When my artificial floral swags get dusty, I put them in a [Ziploc® Brand] Big Bag with a few tablespoonfuls of salt. Shake! The salt takes the dust off and your flowers are ready to be rehung,” says Kelly, Washington, MO. This tip is great for refreshing all your silk and artificial flowers so you don’t have to buy new. Best of all, you can save the salt and reuse it the next time your flowers get dusty.We’re glad to see that taking care of our planet and its environment is such a big part of our members’ lives! Please continue to show your children and grandchildren that they can play a part in protecting the earth too. And thanks again for sharing your inspirational ideas with all of us. "

What a great idea! If you have great ideas to share, please use the comment function below.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dine Out to End Childhood Hunger!

There are 12 million hungry children in America! Many right here in Santa Clarita. Here's an easy way to help...and an opportunity to talk with your kids about helping the hungry.

Dine out at participating SCV-area restaurants between now and Sept. 28th...the restaurants will make a donation to Share Our Strength. Check this link for details:

I did a quick search by zip code and found 4 restaurants in SCV participating: Elephant Bar on McBean, Corner Bakery, Buca di Beppi, and Claim Jumper. Please check the website to verify which restaurants are participating near your home.

If you see an event or program supporting children, use the comment function below and let us know about it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Food and Nutrition Site for Your Family

How many of you struggle to get your children to get five servings of fruits and vegetables each day? It's a struggle in our house. Here's an interesting and informative site from the Department of Health and Human Services, BAM (Body and Mind). The website was created for kids, primarily kids ages 9 through 13. If you want to help your child to make healthy fitness and nutrition choices, preview this site for your child. It's easy to remember:

Do you know a great website that promotes the health and education of children? Use the comment tool below and let us know about it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

SCV PTA Council Meeting

Reminder: Santa Clarita Valley PTA Council Meeting - Thurs., Sept. 18th - 7:00 pm

This month only, we are meeting at Northlake Hills Elem. 32545 Ridge Route Dr.Castaic, CA 91384

What happens at a council meeting? We discuss issues, events, and opportunities for the PTA units in the Santa Clarita Valley.

What is SCV PTA Council? We are the organization to which all Santa Clarita Valley PTA units belong.

What is a PTA unit? The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) at the local schools are called PTA units because they are units of the larger PTA organization.

If you are a PTA member or considering membership, you are invited to attend the council meeting.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Street Art Festival

The street art festival is an event Santa Clarita area families look forward to each year. It's just around the corner, so mark your calendars.

Old Town Newhall

September 27-28th

10:00 am until 6:00 pm

Watch local artists create art right there on Main Street in downtown Newhall. Enjoy live music, arts and crafts, and participatory craft opportunities. Visit for more info.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricanes: How to Cope and How to Help

We are watching yet another major storm approach the United States. This one is heading toward Texas. Often it is our children who ask about how those families will be affected. Will the kids miss school? What if their homes flood? What happens to the pets? Can birds fly in that strong wind? Those are the things on our young children's minds. Their concern may be heightened if you have relatives in affected areas. If you are looking for tips on how to talk with your child about the hurricanes, follow this link:

There is a book that you may want to recommend to families in the hurricane-affected areas. It is titled, Yesterday We Had a Hurricane, and was written by Deirdre Mercier.

Most experts say the best way to help is to send a donation. Here is a list of charities to whom you may want to make a donation. The relief funds for charities that are active in disaster work allow them to mobilize immediate assistance to people in need.

American Red Cross (comprehensive emergency aid)

Best Friends Animal Society (aid to displaced pets)

Feed the Children (nutrition for affected families)

Operation USA (networks of community health clinics supporting victims of catastrophes)

There are many, many more. If you search google, you will find them. **Please note that SCV PTA does not endorse or sponsor these organizations. ** We merely provide these links in response to families looking for ways to support families affected by the recent and upcoming hurricanes. If you are interested in helping, we encourage you to research your options and make a choice based on your research.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Food Services Vendor Faire

Here's a message from our local food services agency:

DATE: Wed., Sept. 24, 2008
TIME: 2:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Central Kitchen
25210 Anza Dr.
Valencia, CA 91355

Principals, PTA, ALL School Staff, Parents, Family members and Especially STUDENTS
Come to the Central Kitchen to an “Open House” and sample new products and discover what’s
“cool to eat @ MY school”
Want some input in school lunch & snack foods offered at your school? Visit with manufacturers, sample their wares and evaluate their products.
Chance to win Fun Door Prizes
We hope you’ll join us!
Please call to let us know approximately how many from your school or family will attend no later than September 19 by calling (661) 295-1574 Jane Crawford x113 or Laurie Kudroff or x103.
Parking in the Industrial Center is limited – carpooling is an option you might consider.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Historical Exhibit

Check out this piece of American history...

Forever Free - Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation
The Reagan Library
Phone: 1-800-410-8354
Admission: $12 general admission; $9 seniors 62 and over, $3 children 11-17, free for children 10 years of age and under Visit Web Site

Exhibit designed and staged by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, follows the story of slavery and Abraham Lincoln's role in ending it.

As part of the Forever Free exhibit, the Reagan Library is proud to announce that from September 19th through September 23rd, the Reagan Library will place the original Lincoln hand-signed Emancipation Proclamation, on loan from the National Archives and Records Administration, on display.

Showing days:
Friday, September 19 from 9:30am - 6pm;
Saturday, September 20 from 9am - 7pm;
Sunday, September 21 from 9am - 6pm;
Monday, September 22 from 9:30am - 6pm; and
Tuesday, September 23 from 9:30am - 6pm.
** Please check with the library to confirm dates and times! **