Monday, November 17, 2008

Get Emergency Related Text Alerts...

Would you like to receive text messages regarding local emergencies?

This info was provided by the City of Santa Clarita:

"All residents are be able to subscribe to automatically receive emergency related text alerts (eAlerts) from the City by simply texting the term "SCEMERGENCY" to 41411 from any mobile phone device and mobile service provider. For added convenience, in lieu of setting this up from your mobile phone residents can also subscribe to this service by visiting the City's website at From there you will be able to enter your mobile phone number in the "Text Message Alerts" subscription box located on the right side of the page to set up this important service. As with any type of texting system, residents are reminded that standard texting fees apply (typically 5 to 10 cents per text) and will be charged by your mobile phone provider. Please know that it is the City's sole intent to utilize the eAlert system only in times of emergency and will in no way use this system to forward any non-emergency/unsolicited messages.

For more information regarding the City's new eAlert system please contact the City's Webmaster at "

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