Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricanes: How to Cope and How to Help

We are watching yet another major storm approach the United States. This one is heading toward Texas. Often it is our children who ask about how those families will be affected. Will the kids miss school? What if their homes flood? What happens to the pets? Can birds fly in that strong wind? Those are the things on our young children's minds. Their concern may be heightened if you have relatives in affected areas. If you are looking for tips on how to talk with your child about the hurricanes, follow this link:

There is a book that you may want to recommend to families in the hurricane-affected areas. It is titled, Yesterday We Had a Hurricane, and was written by Deirdre Mercier.

Most experts say the best way to help is to send a donation. Here is a list of charities to whom you may want to make a donation. The relief funds for charities that are active in disaster work allow them to mobilize immediate assistance to people in need.

American Red Cross (comprehensive emergency aid)

Best Friends Animal Society (aid to displaced pets)

Feed the Children (nutrition for affected families)

Operation USA (networks of community health clinics supporting victims of catastrophes)

There are many, many more. If you search google, you will find them. **Please note that SCV PTA does not endorse or sponsor these organizations. ** We merely provide these links in response to families looking for ways to support families affected by the recent and upcoming hurricanes. If you are interested in helping, we encourage you to research your options and make a choice based on your research.

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