Monday, October 27, 2008

Have You Heard of "No Child Left Inside?"

Green Nursery offers a free newsletter and it has a nice variety of articles related to gardening and plants. This month the newsletter referenced a book, "Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder." After a bit of surfing online, I decided maybe there is something to this theory. Didn't our parents always say, "Go get some fresh air. It's good for you!" Without zero experience in this field, I can hardly speak to the validity of this theory. However, it's an interesting topic and one worth exploring. Here's a blurb from the author's website:

"Last Child in the Woods
The recipient of the 2008 Audubon Medal,
Richard Louv identified a phenomenon we all knew existed but couldn't quite articulate: nature-deficit disorder. Since its initial publication, his book Last Child in the Woods has created a national conversation about the disconnection between children and nature, and his message has galvanized an international movement. Now, three years later, we have reached a tipping point, with the book inspiring Leave No Child Inside initiatives throughout the country.
Hailed as "an absolute must-read" by the Boston Globe and "too tantalizing to ignore" by Audubon magazine, Last Child in the Woods is the inspiring work that proves children need nature as much as nature needs children."

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