Friday, December 26, 2008

Family Movie Night

Are you looking for a family-friendly, relationship-building activity for the long winter break? How about renting a movie? What's more fun than sharing a movie in the comfort of your living room? Make a night of it. Ask each family member to share in the preparation. Here are a few suggestions that we got from one of our friends.

* Set the date and time in advance. All work (that means you, Mom and Dad) and chores must be done or stopped before showtime.

* Gather all necessary items: comfy seats, pillows, blankets, and snacks (popcorn, cut veggies, etc).

* Start with an old-fashioned cartoon or short film. (a la Dudley Do Right). Follow with a family-friendly film. (Click here to check out's Top 25 Family Films for ideas.) Give each child a turn to choose the movie for family movie night.

* Take an intermission for bathroom breaks and other necessities.

* The next morning at breakfast talk to your kids about the movie. "What was your favorite character?" "Would you like to visit a town like that one day?"
You can make your own family tradition or create a holiday memory to keep forever. :)

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