Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Protecting Your Child's Hearing

"Turn it down!" How many times each week do we say that to our children? In our house, we find ourselves saying it often. It's so frustrating to hear music booming from our son's earbuds when we are a few feet away. He does not seem to grasp the long-term impact this can have on his hearing. "Yeah, yeah...I'll turn it down."

Just how harmful is it to crank up the volume on our earbuds? Is it more harmful than loud music from a speaker? Is a traditional headphone set more or less safe for our hearing? Those are questions to which we as parents need answers. Here's an article to give you the answers. Also, you'll get some tips for alternate, more healthy habits to reduce hearing damage.

It's a serious problem. Many healthcare professionals predict that we will only fully-appreciate the damage in the future years after our children and teens have had extended exposure to these high-decibel sounds. More and more we are seeing parents putting earbuds on their toddlers -- and yes, I have even seen earbuds on a baby!

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