Monday, January 26, 2009

PTA Legislative Alert!

Congress to Decide This Week Whether Health and Education Are Among America’s Priorities in an Economic Stimulus Package


Tomorrow, both the United States Senate and House of Representatives will be acting on a wide-ranging economic stimulus package. This legislation will provide much needed investment in the American economy through a variety of avenues. It is essential that the education and health initiatives that are currently major priorities in this legislation remain so. Congress is in the midst of deciding our nation’s future. Tell them that any future must depend on the health and education of our children. Call your Representative and both Senators in Congress and let them know that you believe education and health must remain top priorities in the economic stimulus package.
Since Congress will be acting on this legislation as early as tomorrow, we encourage you to call your members of Congress.
For information to help you make this phone call, Please visit PTA Takes Action Center: Call-in Alert
To email your Members of Congress, please visit PTA Takes Action Center: Email Alert.

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