Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year - New Start

The new year is an excellent time for a new start for adults and children too. If your child is disappointed in his/her grades from the first half of the year, you can help your child make a fresh start. If your student did not perform well in a class, it can be a great lesson. Talk with your child and the teacher to determine what went wrong. Help your child avoid those mistakes. Create a strategy for the new semester that includes time for family, study, play, sports, and relaxation.

* Schedule meetings with your child’s homeroom teacher or counselor. If you are having communication issues with a teacher (it happens occasionally) talk to a counselor or school administrator. Build a collaborative relationship with teachers and avoid the blame game.

* Encourage your child to ask the teacher questions when he/she does not understand a new lesson. Let your child know that the teachers are there to support students. Don't wait until a grade has slipped to talk to the teacher.

* Consider tutoring for your child. Ask your school counselor or teacher about the options offered by the school district. If the school cannot provide the tutoring, they may have a list of recommended tutors.

* Help your child understand how lifestyle choices affect schoolwork. Things like excessive television/video games, unhealthy food choices, lack of sleep, and skipping breakfast can affect your child’s performance.

* Don’t let your child become overloaded with too many after-school activities or commitments. Remember, your kids need downtime too!

* Lastly, children of all ages need an appropriate place to complete homework assignments. Set up a table or desk with plenty of space. Ensure your child has adequate lighting and necessary school supplies.

Let your child relax during the last days of break so they will return to school rejuvenated and ready for success in the new semester!

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