Tuesday, March 3, 2009

National Grammar Day!

The Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar and MSN Encarta have designated March 4 as National Grammar Day. Visit www.spogg.org for more info. Parents, this is for you to enjoy so you can be an excellent example for the children in your life.

"How can I participate? Speak well! Write well! And on March 4, march forth and spread the word. We want people to think about language and how it can be used best.Some of our members are planning Good-Grammar Potlucks at their offices.What do you serve at good-grammar potlucks? High-fiber foods, of course. They're good for the colon. Afterward, at happy hour, we recommend the Grammartini. (Recipes are on the site.) We put together a Bad Grammar Hall of Fame Playlist, full of songs we love despite their bad grammar. You'll find it at the bottom of this page. We've also produced a special National Grammar Day T-shirt so you can proclaim your love of language for all to see."At last - a holiday that "speaks to me!"
~See www.spogg.org for more information.

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